Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine of India, emphasises the use of natural ingredients to promote holistic well-being. The masala box kept in your kitchen is a treasure trove of health benefits. Indian spices not only enhance the taste of your food items but also benefit your body in various ways. Among these ingredients, dry ginger holds a significant place in Ayurvedic remedies due to its various health benefits.
In winters, embracing the power of the warming dry ginger or Sonth or Shunthi can be a game-changer for overall well-being. Its natural heat-producing properties help to stoke our internal fires and combat the winter chill. Adding a dash of dry ginger to teas or soups not only imparts a delightful warmth but also aids in digestion and boosts immunity. So, when the frosty winds blow, reach for dry ginger to invigorate your body and soul during the cold winter months.
In Indian mythology, dry ginger finds mention in ancient scriptures and epics for its medicinal properties and mystical significance. Folk stories often attribute supernatural powers to dry ginger, depicting it as a symbol of health and prosperity. These tales contribute to the cultural reverence for dry ginger as a sacred herb with mystical properties.
Sonth or Shunthi is also called vishvabheshaj (universal medicine) due its many uses. It is a natural pain killer, used in Ayurveda to relieve all types of pain including abdominal colicky pain, joint pain, headaches and menstrual pain, as it balances vata dosha in body. Also known as Zingiber officinale Rosc., it derived its name from Shringaber in Sanskrit (Zingiber).
Various Ayurvedic literature like Bhav Prakash Nighantu, Dhanvantri Nighantu, Kaiydeva Nighantu, Priya Nighantu, Madanpal Nighantu, Nighantu Aadarsh, Raj Nighantu, Sankar Nighantu, Shaligram Nighantu, etc., mention dry ginger with different synonyms where each synonym has its own significance, as follows:
- Shunthi: Subsides kapha and vata dosha, dries away kapha and ama and itself is dried product, hence the name Shunthi.
- Nagara: Commercial drug commonly available in shops.
- Avakchatra: Leaves spread out like umbrella.
- Ahicchatraka: Flowers are in radical spikes on long peduncles like a serpent’s hood.
- Shringavera: Rhizome simulates horn shape.
- Katubhadra: One of the best katudravya.
- Utkatam: Rhizome is tikshna.
- Ushanam: It causes burning sensation.
- Mahaushada: It is a very efficacious drug because of its robust actions.
- Vishva-bheshajam: Commonly used due to its quality and easy availability.
- Vishva: Quickly enters circulation because of its vigorous potency.
- Fresh ginger is dry and hot in nature, it should not be used for a long time. On the other hand, dry ginger is hotter but snigdha (oily) in nature, so it can be used for long time.
- Fresh ginger is useful in constipation while dry ginger is absorbent and useful in IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and diarrhoea. Excess of fresh ginger causes dryness and throat irritation.
- Dry ginger acts deep on tissue level.
Ayurvedic pharmacology of dry ginger:
Rasa: Katu
Guna: Laghu, Snigdha
Virya: Ushna
Vipaka: Madhura Doshakarma: Kaphavatahara (Vatahara because of ushna virya and madhura vipaka. Kaphahara because of ushna virya and katu rasa)
Therapeutic uses of Shunthi in Ayurveda classics
External uses
Amavata (rheumatism due to ama), sandhivata (osteoarthritis), shotha (inflammation/ oedema)
Internal uses
- Nervous system: Vata vyadhi (disorders due to vata)
- Digestive system: Aruchi (tastelessness), chhardi (nausea & vomiting), agnimandya (diminution of digestive fire), ajirna (indigestion), adhmana (bloating), udarshula (pain abdomen), arsha (piles)
- Circulatory system: Hrudadaurbalya (weakness of heart), hrutshula (angina)
- Respiratory system: Kasa (cough), shwasa (breathing issues), hikka (hiccup), pratishyaya (cold/ catarrh)
Sula, Amavata, Adhmana, Atisara, Slipada, Kasa, Svasa, Hrdroga, Sopha, Agnimandya, Kustha, Jvara, Pandu, Raktpitta, Vibandha, Hikka, Arsas.
The properties of Shunthi are Ushna and Tikshna so it should be avoided in Pandu Roga (Anemia), Jwar (fever), Vrana (Ulcer), Raktpitta (bleeding disorder) and in Mutrakrichh (dysuria). It should also be avoided if allergic to ginger. It should be taken with caution during pregnancy. It should not be taken during abnormal bleeding.
Important Preparations
Soubhagya Shunthi, Panasama Churna, Samasarkara Churna, Ardraka Khanda, Ardraka Ghritam, Kottamchukadi Tailam, Nagaradi Kashayam, Ardraka Khand Avalehya, Ardraka Rasayana.
Therapeutic activities according to certain latest medical researches
- Radical scavenging and antioxidant activity
- Anti-arthritic activity
- Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect
- Anti-microbial activity
- Glucose, cholesterol and lipid lowering effects
- Cardiotonic activity
- Anti-platelet effect
- Anti-bacterial activity
Healing Properties of Dry Ginger
- Packed with potent bioactive compounds, dry ginger plays a key role in sustaining overall health.
- A storehouse of antioxidants, dry ginger combats oxidative damage and lowers the risk of chronic diseases.
- Dry ginger initiates the action of trypsin and lipase enzymes that aid in the breakdown of proteins and fats.
- Paste of Shunthi, Tila (sesamum indicum) and Guda (jaggery) with milk is beneficial in Parinama Shula and Amavata (Rheumatoid arthritis)
- Consuming equal quantity of Shunthi and jaggery with Punarnava (Boerhaviadiffusa) Kashaya (decoction) is beneficial in Shotha.
- Nasya of Guda (jaggery) and Shunthi Kalka is beneficial in Shirashula (headache).
- Kwatha (decoction) prepared from Shunthi and Bilva (Aegle marmelos) is useful in Visuchikaand Chardi (vomitting).
- Ginger powder is an easy solution for motion sickness and morning sickness in pregnant women. It is very effective when mixed in water as it prevents nausea.
- In common cold, mix it in warm water and have it and see the quick effect on your cold and flu. Mix it with clove powder and salt and take it twice a day.
- Mix a teaspoon of ginger powder every day in water and drink it. Ginger powder has thermogenic agents that are superb for fat burning. It helps in boosting our metabolism when consumed every day and burns the excess fat. This works on losing weight.
- Dry ginger powder can be used to make kadha or masala tea.
- Mix the dry ginger powder with warm milk to induce sound sleep.
- For children, make small balls of dry ginger powder by mixing equal amounts of ghee, jaggery and turmeric.
- Dry ginger powder is a natural analgesic that offers respite from abdominal pain and discomfort during menstruation. Take about a gram of dry ginger powder daily for the first three days of the cycle to ease menstrual pains.
Adverse Effects of Shunthi
There are no such side effects of the Shunthi but there can be mild side effects in rare condition like increase in heart-beat, itching sensation, or swelling on the tongue.
Shunthi should not be taken with other anti-inflammatory drug because it can have reaction. It should be avoided while taking Ibuprofen, Heparin and other medicines which have the bleeding tendency.
*The writer is an Ayurveda physician, DST Woman Scientist A, AIIMS New Delhi, and founder of Pratha Ayurveda.